Friday, May 1, 2015

The Unicorn's Dance of the Numbers Life Path Cycles - Sub-Cycles, Pinnacles and Challenges

The Unicorn's Dance of the Numbers
Life Path Cycles
Sub-Cycles, Pinnacles and Challenges

The Life Path (or Life Cycle) number (sometimes referred to as your Destiny) is the most important number in your life. This number represents who you are at birth and the native traits that you will carry with you through life. It is based on your date of birth, represents the specific lessons that the Soul has chosen to learn and indicates which goals or pursuits are best suited toward that end. The lower the Life Path number (1 through 6 deals with fundamental concepts) the more uncomplicated the chosen lesson. The higher Life Path numbers (7 through 9 deals with advanced understandings) the more complex the issues, the greater the ultimate potential growth and the more difficult it may be to reach that potential.

The Life Path number is unchangeable. It is composed of Sub-cycles, Pinnacles and Challenges, all of which are determined by the date of birth.

The Sub-cycles are composed of three defined cycles. The first Sub-Cycle, based on the month of birth, is the Formative Cycle. This Cycle presents the positive and negative energies which will be presented for your use toward the success of your first Sub-cycle number. It may indicate the type of family relationships which surround you as a child as well as how you will learn to deal with those in authority such as your parents, teachers, ministers, etc.

The second Sub-cycle, based on the day of birth, is the Productive Cycle. This cycle deals with your adult life, your profession and the world around you. The energies presented will aid in your success and may also present the negative forces to overcome. It also may help you fulfill your vision of a dream you have held for years.

The third Sub-cycle, based on the year of birth, is the Harvest Cycle. This Cycle, which lasts for the remainder of your life, tells the future you will be dealing with. During this period of time you may want to begin a new career, or may find the need to continue working for financial reasons. The Harvest Cycle also gives you the space to review your life to this point and to make whatever changes you feel would benefit not only yourself, but your family and those around you.

For example: A birthdate of December 28, 1931 would carry the following Sub-cycles:

December 12 = 3 Formative Cycle
           28 10 = 1 Productive Cycle
       1931 14 =  5 Harvest Cycle
               36 =  9 Life Path

The individual dates for each Life Path Sub-cycle will be given in the section on Sub-cycles.

The Pinnacles are composed of four defined cycles of your Life Path which indicate the lesson to be worked on during a particular time. The first Pinnacle runs anywhere from your birth to 27 to 35 years of age depending on your Life Path number. The middle two Pinnacles will each last for 9 years and the final Pinnacle is with you for the remainder of your days.

The Pinnacles are determined by the birthdate and the formula is:

The first Pinnacle is the month plus the day.
The second Pinnacle is the day plus the year.
The Third Pinnacle is the first Pinnacle plus the second Pinnacle. i
The fourth Pinnacle is the month plus the year.

For example: A birthdate of December 28, 1931 would carry the following Pinnacles:

   (December + 28) 3 + 1 = 4 First Pinnacle
          (28 + 1931) 1 + 5 = 6 Second Pinnacle
     (First + second) 4 + 6 = 1 Third Pinnacle
(December + 1931) 3 + 5 = 8 Fourth Pinnacle

The individual dates for each Life Path Pinnacle will be given in the section on Pinnacles.

Life is full of struggles in many forms and they are called Challenges. They are the weak points of our Llfe Path. We must overcome these weak points to be successful in life. B being aware of these challenges can help us overcome them in the best possible manner.

Challenges normally deal with material concerns and outward relationships. This necessitates our pursuit of inner growth as well as our effort to deal on an outer level with each Challenge.

As we understand that any chain is only as strong as its weakest link, it behooves us to give due consideration to our challenges. Overcoming them promises considerable progress toward a smoother and more rewarding life.

Challenges are more acute when they are the same as:
  • The Life Path
  • A Pinnacle
  • A Sub-cycle.
The Challenges are determined by the birthdate and the formula for finding them is just the opposite of the formula for the Pinnacles.

The first Challenge is the month minus the day.
The second Challenge is the day minus the year.
The Third Challenge is the first Challenge minus the second Challenge.
The fourth Challenge is the month minus the year..

For example: A birthdate of December 28, 1931 would carry the following Challenges:

  (December + 28) 3 - 1 = 2 First Challenge
          (28 + 1931) 1 - 5 = 4 Second Challenge
     (First + second) 4 - 6 = 2 Third Challenge
(December + 1931) 3 - 5 = 2 Fourth Challenge

It is important to be aware of the double-digit numbers and we will address that a bit later. If there is a Master Number (11/2, 22/4, or 33/6) if should not be reduced. If there is a Karmic Debt Number (19/1, 13/4, or 16/7 they must also remain intact. The Karmic Debt number applies only if found in the Life Path, Soul Urge or Expression. (Refer to the chapters on Karmic Debt numbers and Master Numbers for further information).

The Life Path is your Inner Force. It never changes and is the most important number of your life. Each incarnation has one prominent lesson and this is assumed before you come in.

Your Inner Strength Force is the entire birthdate. The Month governs the Physical Growth for the first 12 years of life. The Day rules Mental Development from age 13 to 25. The Year brings Emotional and Health Development from 25 to 36. The Total Birthdate reflects that Inner Urge found in one's life work.

Life Path:
  • 1 Spirit
  • 3 Mind (holy trinity)
  • 4 Body
  • 6 Discrimination
  • 7 Victory EVOLUTION
  • 8 Splendor and Power
  • 9 Love and Service
    (also the number of Initiation...One who has passed through Portals of Light)

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